Michael McGuirt Keyboard

this lifetime
destined to be a holy man –
lotus and sterile
upon quivering cliffs,
scolded by the laughter
of river om –

Michael has spent his life trying to understand the embrace of body, mind and spirit – searching for the perfect love of soul. Having found that love, the music begins.

A military kid moving from place to place, never sustaining long term roots, yet learning the ways and culture of foreign lands, and exotic people was instrumental in Michael’s diverse makeup. Michael is a self taught musician, playing drums at an early age, and later picking up the guitar and keys. As a teen he would sit for hours at the family piano, discovering chords and melodies. After playing with various groups, from high school on, Michael devoted several years to writing poetry, and studied to become a full time poet.

At present Michael is producing his own music, performing all instruments, and lead vocals. He also does spoken word production with sound ambience.

Welcome to Michael McGuirt Music.